Ideal work environment
This is the ideal setting/environment for me to work effectively as a product designer.
Build with the end users in mind #
Implement continuous research, talk to the users on a regular basis and gather the insights.
Meaningful direction #
Remind the purpose of long term goals.
Aim for clarity #
Make data-informed decisions, articulate ideas properly.
Decide and move on #
There isn't always a best answer. The important thing is to make a decision, and move on.
Measure progress with actual work #
Create small scoped tasks where you can show a diff in a design/code file.
Give (radically candid) feedback along the way #
There should be a possibility to give radically candid feedback anytime. We can hop on a 1on1 call/chat anytime.
Make a space for cross-functional teams #
Ping-pong between designer and developer and have enough autonomy/accountability.
Look back and celebrate #
Crucial to keep the team motivated.
Context > consistency #
When it comes to design, I think designing around the current context is better than designing to satisfy prior consistency.
So, these are the main points that come to my mind. Most of them are must-haves and I will challenge the status quo when the work setting lacks any of these.
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